Kids are full of questions...

Ollie's got all the answers!
In an increasingly complex world, it’s now more important than ever that children have the knowledge and ability to make informed decisions about money. Financial wellbeing is a core life skill and here at Bank of Ireland we want to help play our part in enabling children of all ages to begin to understand about all things money so that they can take charge of their own financial future.

Youth Financial Wellbeing

The aim of our youth financial wellbeing programme is to introduce the basics of financial wellbeing to children so that they are set up with good money habits for life. The programme is completely free and covers topics like the Evolution of Money, Needs and Wants, Savings and Spending, and Budgeting and Planning.


Ollie the OwlWhere does money come from

For primary teachers

To help support your delivery in the classroom, we have created this programme featuring our hero, Ollie the Owl. He helps children learn about the basics of financial wellbeing, as they follow him on his journey of discovery about money. The programme is provided as pdfs by email, split into 6 easy-to-follow money lessons. Each lesson is divided into stories, activities and interesting facts, so that children have opportunities to discuss, reflect and learn. The programme can be used throughout the school year to support the primary curriculum.

View a sample lesson Register your interest Find out more
Why are there different currenciesOllie the Owl
Primary teacher helping young boy in class
For Parents and Guardians

For parents and guardians

To help you begin having conversations with your children about money at home, we have developed a free parental guide for children up to 12 years of age. It features Ollie the Owl, as he begins his journey of discovery about money and includes some easy lessons to help your children to understand the concept of money, its uses, and to learn about planning, spending and saving it.

Download our free parental guide Download our Ollie the Owl savings poster Find out more
What is barterOllie the OwlWhat is interest