Sustainable Finance Framework
Sustainable finance framework
Our Sustainable Finance Framework provides our stakeholders with transparency on our approach to Sustainable Financing. Within this framework, we are disclosing the criteria we use to classify financial commitments and products as sustainable, and we are making the composition of the Sustainable Finance portfolio transparent.
This is a Group-wide standard that will enable stringent management of all relevant products, processes, and activities, thereby ensuring the sustainable transformation of Bank of Ireland’s customer lending portfolio. As we continually develop our Sustainable Finance solutions our reporting will reflect the evolution and expansion of the sub-categories within our Sustainable Finance Portfolio.
Green Bond Framework
Our commitment to working with our customers, colleagues and society to support their transition to a resilient, net zero economy by 2050 will require investment and capital. For this reason, Bank of Ireland launched a Green Bond Framework and issues green bonds the proceeds of which will be used to finance or refinance projects and assets that mitigate climate change by reducing carbon emissions and protecting our environment; activities that are key components of our Sustainability strategy. Our ambition is to be a regular issuer of green bonds and we believe that the current size of the Green Eligible Assets portfolio and our customers’ appetite for green financing support this ambition.
Green Bond Documents:
For all green bond related documents, visit our investor relations page.
If you would like more information about our Green Bond Framework, please contact our funding team at