Plan Make your pension work for you With more of us living longer than ever, it’s time to ask - how do we make our savings last? ...
Home insurance How much does home insurance cost? How much does home insurance cost? A common question many individuals have is, how much do you ...
Home insurance What does my home insurance cover? What does my home insurance cover? It's important to know what is covered for safeguarding your...
Home insurance How to make a home insurance claim How to make a home insurance claim. Learn how to make an insurance claim effectively with our s...
Home insurance What items does home insurance cover? What items does home insurance cover? It's essential to know what is covered for protecting you...
Home insurance How to protect your home from storm damage Severe weather has the potential to damage your home. We’ve outlined our top tips on how to pro...
Protect my family's financial future Understanding life insurance What is life insurance? Life insurance is a broad term that includes four main types of life...
Protect my family's financial future Debunking common myths about life insurance "I'm too young for insurance!" Think you’re too young for life insurance? Think again! E...
Protect my family's financial future Safeguarding your Earnings: Understanding Income Protection What is income protection insurance? Income protection insurance can provide you with up to 75...
Protect my family's financial future Protect What Matters Most podcast View our latest podcast now....
Save Saving for a rainy day? How much do you need? The ideal amount to have in a rainy day fund depends on your persona...
Save How to develop a saver mindset What we learn about money From an early age, what we believe about money and how to make finan...
Save Kickstart your savings Take a good long look at your money First, figure out how much money you have coming in an...
Plan Discover the benefits of financial resilience Financial resilience means you can manage unexpected expenses or those unforeseen tough times w...
Know where to begin Review your home insurance policy before you renew – a guide for homeowners STEP 1: The renewal notice – what is it and what do you need to do when you receive it? ...
Borrow Everything you ever wanted to know about credit reports What is a credit report? Ireland does not currently have an agency that gives out personal cr...
Borrow Buy Now Pay Later Should I use ‘buy-now-pay-later’? Need to buy something but don’t have all the money to ...
Plan Coping with redundancy Redundancy is an event in life which can cause a shock to any individual or family. If you have...
Plan Protect yourself against travel disruption The days are getting warmer and the summer holidays are getting closer. We all look forward to ...
Save How to be a great goal setter Setting a saving goal is super motivating and such a valuable skill to have. When we get in to ...
Plan Why your credit rating matters It’s never too early to learn about the importance of being careful with your money and estab...
Save The freedom a savings habit brings Money makes the world go round. Whether we have a little or a lot, everyone needs it to live. R...
Plan Managing your money in college Starting college is such an exciting adventure. There’s so much to learn, but you’ll also ...
Save Mind your money Together we won’t let the fraudsters win. There are so many reasons why protecting your mone...
Plan Buying your first car Get your motor running! Dreaming of owning your first car? Buying your first car can be expens...
Plan Why budgets are so important Knowing how to budget, even with the smallest amounts, is a skill that will always stand to you...
Plan The 50 30 20 rule for budgeting Budgeting doesn’t need to be difficult or time consuming. We all know students have more exc...
Spend Needs versus wants Let’s face it. We’ve all gone shopping at some point or other, spotted something we really...
Save How to create a great savings habit As a teenager, there are great reasons to start saving. Maybe you want the latest iPhone or ha...
Spend Manage your spending like a pro Managing your money doesn’t have to be boring or complicated. Spending smart means having mo...
Retire well I'm approaching retirement Your retirement is a time you have worked hard for, a time to start doing the things you always...
Spend Smart spending on Black Friday and Cyber Monday The sales, the savings, the ads. Yes, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are back. But how do you...
Pensions Baz & Nancy’s Pension Prep: Bake it ‘til you make it Pensions can be overwhelming, confusing and even complex. But while pensions can seem overly co...
Plan Money Insights 365 A new tool designed to help you take control of your money now and into the future....
Plan 10 TIPS TO BEAT THE BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPENDING BLUES Sending the kids back to school seems to cost more each year. What’s the best way to cut cost...
Mover Selling Your Home: Finding The Right Estate Agent Estate agent Owen Reilly gives his tips on getting the best valuation when selling your home. ...
Mover Make an Entrance The hallway, stairs and landing are unlikely to be the biggest area of a home, but it’s where...
Spend Prioritise your finances Money catch-up Think of it as a regular check-in with your finances. Whether it’s a mont...
Spend Money Worries - Taking back Control There is little doubt that the sudden and sharp rise in the cost of living has been a shock to ...
Grow my money Saver or Investor? Should you be both? Webinar No matter what you're saving for, there are a number of things to consider to get you on the ri...
Buy a home The importance of Home Insurance Home insurance protects you against an unexpected event and it could save you a lot of money in...
Grow my money Investing - is it a risky business? All investing involves some risk. But sensible investing is one of the best ways to increase th...
Buy a home What is Mortgage Protection? Buying your home is one of the biggest financial commitments you will ever make, so putting the...
Grow my money Do you know your appetite for risk? If you are considering investing some of your hard-earned money – what risk should you take? I...
Grow my money Invested Podcast Series 2024 View our 3-part series for staged learning and practical help and guidance...
Retire well Talking Pensions magazine Our latest Talking Pensions Magazine focuses on the 3 steps to a better retirement and much mor...
Grow my money Essential Guide to Investing This guide aims to help people who have never invested before to understand what investing is a...
Start my own business Why do you need shareholder insurance? The death of a shareholder can have major repercussions for the future of your company. It can ...