Let’s talk about the F-word. Let’s talk about Financial Wellbeing.

Whatever your goals – having a place of your own, setting up a rainy day fund or having a bit of extra cash at the end of the month – it pays to start talking about your Financial Wellbeing.

Financial Wellbeing is about having the confidence to manage your money, to plan for your future and to be as prepared as possible for the unexpected. So why don’t you let Bank of Ireland’s experts help you work out the health of your finances – and get you used to using the F-word.

Get your Financial Wellbeing score

Take a two-minute financial healthcheck

Understand your current financial wellbeing score and how you can improve it.

Get your Financial Wellbeing score


Talk to an expert and get a free financial plan.

Talking to us is a simple way to start taking control of your finances.

Reasons to chat to us

  • It’s totally free, and we’ll only discuss what’s important to you
  • You can speak to us over the phone, or in person, at a time that suits you
  • We’ll build a plan together, to help make your goals a reality
Chat to us


A place of your own, a rainy day fund or having a bit put by for when you’re older…Whatever those dreams, now’s the time to start planning your finances around them.

Explore your goals

Looking to plan for life after retirement? Wondering whether you should save or invest? Our articles, tool and calculators, can help you get the answers.

Financial Wellbeing Support Centre

Learn more about our free Financial Wellbeing Literacy offering for employees, community groups, clubs and societies. Sign up for news of products & services from Bank of Ireland.

Find out more


Bank of Ireland is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.