Daily Foreign Exchange Rates

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Daily Foreign Exchange Rates

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Last update: 26/07/2024 08:02:38
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United Kingdom - GBP 1250 0.8227 0.8185 0.8606 0.8564
United Kingdom - GBP 10000 0.8227 0.8311 0.8563 0.8564
United Kingdom - GBP 20000 0.8269 0.8311 0.8563 0.8564
United Kingdom - GBP 70000 0.8269 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 0.8564
United States - USD 1250 1.0579 1.0525 1.1066 1.1012
United States - USD 10000 1.0579 1.0687 1.1011 1.1012
United States - USD 20000 1.0633 1.0687 1.1011 1.1012
United States - USD 70000 1.0633 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 1.1012
Australia - AUD 1250 1.5893 1.585 1.7158 1.7051
Australia - AUD 10000 1.5893 1.6016 1.6993 1.7051
Australia - AUD 20000 1.5976 1.6016 1.6993 1.7051
Australia - AUD 70000 1.5976 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 1.7051
Bahrain - BHD 1250 Not available 0.3916 0.4239 Not available
Bahrain - BHD 10000 Not available 0.3957 0.4198 Not available
Bahrain - BHD 20000 Not available 0.3957 0.4198 Not available
Bahrain - BHD 70000 Not available Contact your Branch Contact your Branch Not available
Barbados - BBD 1250 Not available 2.0756 2.2468 Not available
Barbados - BBD 10000 Not available 2.0972 2.2251 Not available
Barbados - BBD 20000 Not available 2.0972 2.2251 Not available
Barbados - BBD 70000 Not available Contact your Branch Contact your Branch Not available
Bulgaria - BGN 1250 Not available 1.8727 2.0272 Not available
Bulgaria - BGN 10000 Not available 1.8922 2.0076 Not available
Bulgaria - BGN 20000 Not available 1.8922 2.0076 Not available
Bulgaria - BGN 70000 Not available Contact your Branch Contact your Branch Not available
Canada - CAD 1250 1.4389 1.435 1.5534 1.5437
Canada - CAD 10000 1.4389 1.45 1.5384 1.5437
Canada - CAD 20000 1.4464 1.45 1.5384 1.5437
Canada - CAD 70000 1.4464 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 1.5437
China - CNY1 1250 7.5578 7.5373 8.1592 8.1081
China - CNY1 10000 7.5578 7.6161 8.0805 8.1081
China - CNY1 20000 Contact your Branch 7.6161 8.0805 Contact your Branch
China - CNY1 70000 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch Contact your Branch Contact your Branch
Czech Rep - CZK 1250 24.35 24.29 26.29 26.126
Czech Rep - CZK 10000 24.35 24.54 26.04 26.126
Czech Rep - CZK 20000 24.48 24.54 26.04 26.126
Czech Rep - CZK 70000 24.48 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 26.126
Denmark - DKK 1250 7.1645 7.1451 7.7346 7.6861
Denmark - DKK 10000 7.1645 7.2197 7.6599 7.6861
Denmark - DKK 20000 7.2018 7.2197 7.6599 7.6861
Denmark - DKK 70000 7.2018 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 7.6861
Hong Kong - HKD 1250 8.1304 8.1084 8.7774 8.7223
Hong Kong - HKD 10000 8.1304 8.1931 8.6927 8.7223
Hong Kong - HKD 20000 8.1728 8.1931 8.6927 8.7223
Hong Kong - HKD 70000 8.1728 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 8.7223
Hungary - HUF 1250 376.4 375.38 406.35 403.8012
Hungary - HUF 10000 376.4 379.3 402.43 403.8012
Hungary - HUF 20000 378.36 379.3 402.43 403.8012
Hungary - HUF 70000 378.36 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 403.8012
India - INR 1250 87.2059 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 93.5549
India - INR 10000 87.2059 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 93.5549
India - INR 20000 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch Contact your Branch Contact your Branch
India - INR 70000 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch Contact your Branch Contact your Branch
Israel - ILS 1250 Not available 3.8194 4.1345 Not available
Israel - ILS 10000 Not available 3.8593 4.0946 Not available
Israel - ILS 20000 Not available 3.8593 4.0946 Not available
Israel - ILS 70000 Not available Contact your Branch Contact your Branch Not available
Japan - JPY 1250 160.1 159.66 172.84 171.75
Japan - JPY 10000 160.1 161.33 171.17 171.75
Japan - JPY 20000 160.93 161.33 171.17 171.75
Japan - JPY 70000 160.93 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 171.75
Malaysia - MYR 1250 Not available 4.8356 5.2345 Not available
Malaysia - MYR 10000 Not available 4.8861 5.184 Not available
Malaysia - MYR 20000 Not available 4.8861 5.184 Not available
Malaysia - MYR 70000 Not available Contact your Branch Contact your Branch Not available
New Zealand - NZD 1250 1.7685 1.7637 1.9092 1.8973
New Zealand - NZD 10000 1.7685 1.7821 1.8908 1.8973
New Zealand - NZD 20000 1.7777 1.7821 1.8908 1.8973
New Zealand - NZD 70000 1.7777 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 1.8973
Norway - NOK 1250 11.4859 11.4548 12.3999 12.3221
Norway - NOK 10000 11.4859 11.5744 12.2802 12.3221
Norway - NOK 20000 11.5457 11.5744 12.2802 12.3221
Norway - NOK 70000 11.5457 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 12.3221
Philippines - PHP 1250 60.8406 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 65.2701
Philippines - PHP 10000 60.8406 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 65.2701
Philippines - PHP 20000 61.1574 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 65.2701
Philippines - PHP 70000 61.1574 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 65.2701
Poland - PLN 1250 4.1972 4.1009 4.4392 4.4114
Poland - PLN 10000 4.1972 4.1437 4.3964 4.4114
Poland - PLN 20000 4.1972 4.1437 4.3964 4.4114
Poland - PLN 70000 4.1972 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 4.4114
Saudi Arabia - SAR 1250 3.9075 3.8969 4.2185 4.192
Saudi Arabia - SAR 10000 3.9075 3.9376 4.1778 4.192
Saudi Arabia - SAR 20000 3.9279 3.9376 4.1778 4.192
Saudi Arabia - SAR 70000 3.9279 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 4.192
Singapore - SGD 1250 1.3991 1.3953 1.5104 1.5009
Singapore - SGD 10000 1.3991 1.4098 1.4958 1.5009
Singapore - SGD 20000 1.4063 1.4098 1.4958 1.5009
Singapore - SGD 70000 1.4063 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 1.5009
South Africa - ZAR 1250 19.059 19.0074 20.5757 20.4466
South Africa - ZAR 10000 19.059 19.2059 20.3772 20.4466
South Africa - ZAR 20000 19.1583 19.2059 20.3772 20.4466
South Africa - ZAR 70000 19.1583 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 20.4466
Sweden - SEK 1250 11.2747 11.2442 12.1719 12.0956
Sweden - SEK 10000 11.2747 11.3616 12.0545 12.0956
Sweden - SEK 20000 11.3335 11.3616 12.0545 12.0956
Sweden - SEK 70000 11.3335 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 12.0956
Switzerland - CHF 1250 0.918 0.9156 0.9911 0.9849
Switzerland - CHF 10000 0.918 0.9251 0.9815 0.9849
Switzerland - CHF 20000 0.9228 0.9251 0.9815 0.9849
Switzerland - CHF 70000 0.9228 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 0.9849
Thailand - THB 1250 37.615 37.513 40.608 40.3533
Thailand - THB 10000 37.615 37.905 40.216 40.3533
Thailand - THB 20000 Contact your Branch 37.905 40.216 Contact your Branch
Thailand - THB 70000 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch Contact your Branch Contact your Branch
Turkey - TRY 1250 34.4754 34.382 37.2187 36.9853
Turkey - TRY 10000 34.4754 34.7411 36.8597 36.9853
Turkey - TRY 20000 34.6549 34.7411 36.8597 36.9853
Turkey - TRY 70000 34.6549 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 36.9853
United Arab Emirates - AED 1250 3.8257 3.8154 4.1301 4.1042
United Arab Emirates - AED 10000 3.8257 3.8552 4.0903 4.1042
United Arab Emirates - AED 20000 3.8456 3.8552 4.0903 4.1042
United Arab Emirates - AED 70000 3.8456 Contact your Branch Contact your Branch 4.1042
1 Available for business customers only.