EEA foreign exchange currency converter

Use our European Economic Area (EEA) foreign exchange currency converter below to identify the currency conversion charges and the percentage mark-up over ECB exchange rates that may apply to your foreign exchange transaction.

EEA foreign exchange currency converter


  • Amount at Visa or Mastercard rate: The converted amount using the foreign exchange rate supplied by Visa for debit card and by Mastercard for credit card transactions.
  • Cross-border handling fee: The fee charged by Bank of Ireland for the currency conversion.
  • Percentage mark-up over ECB rate: This is the difference, expressed as a percentage, between the total transaction amount (above) for the currency conversion and what you would pay if the transaction was carried out at the current ECB rate (the ECB rate does not include the cross-border handling fee).


  1. The rates quoted at the time of using the calculator are the latest rates available to Bank of Ireland and may not be the same rates as when you complete a transaction. The value of the transaction that appears on your statement will reflect the exchange rate applicable at the time the transaction is posted to your account.
  2. The Euro foreign exchange rate from the ECB, which is used to calculate “Percentage mark-up over ECB rate”, is subject to change on a daily basis. The latest Euro foreign exchange rate available to Bank of Ireland can be viewed here.
  3. The Mastercard exchange rate, which is used for BOI credit card currency conversions, is subject to change on a daily basis. The latest Mastercard exchange rate available to Bank of Ireland can be viewed here.
  4. The Visa exchange rate, which is used for BOI debit card currency conversions, is subject to change on a daily basis. The latest Visa exchange rate available to Bank of Ireland can be viewed here.
  5. Please note: for credit card transactions, you will be charged a cash advance fee of 1.5% (minimum €2.54) whenever you withdraw cash, and you may be charged interest on any cash withdrawal from the date you withdraw the cash until the account is paid off in full.
  6. Other transaction fees, independent of currency conversion charges, may apply. Please refer to your relevant fees and charges brochure online or at your local branch.