Based on a Financial Wellbeing survey developed by the Innovation Health Network, we’ve redesigned it to suit 2nd Level students like you. There are eight multiple-choice survey questions to answer on 4 key money topics – Your Spending, Your Saving, Your Borrowing, Your Planning. There are no right or wrong answers. The outcome you’ll see at the end is just a fun indication of potentially how ‘Money Smart’ you are. The outcomes range from ‘You need a little help’ to ‘You’re pretty Money Smart’ to ‘You’re managing your money well’ to ‘You’re super Money Smart’. When you complete the Money Smarts Barometer, you’ll have access to lots of useful articles for you to read on various money topics. Why not give it go and see how you get on! Remember, it’s just a bit of fun. So don’t take it too seriously.
Get your Money Smarts Barometer scoreBank of Ireland is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.