SEPA Support

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  • What do I do if my payee is not reachable?

    If you find out that a payee NSC is not reachable under SEPA, you need to get SEPA-reachable account details for them. To do this:

    You can input the non-reachable payee NSC and Account Numbers (single account or bulk upload) using the online BIC/IBAN conversion service provided by IPSO. The service will return corresponding BIC/IBAN details. Use the last 14 characters of the IBAN (representing the 6-digit NSC and the last 8 digits representing the account number) as the payee’s SEPA-reachable account. To do this, visit


    Alternatively, contact your payee directly. Ask them for an alternative bank account that is SEPA-reachable and update your records accordingly.

    Please note that Bank of Ireland cannot guarantee payments to non-reachable SEPA NSCs after 25th November 2013.

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  • How will SEPA impact Standing Orders?

    SEPA will have some impact on existing standing orders within ROI. Bank of Ireland will automatically convert the details of your beneficiaries to BIC and IBAN and the standing order payments will continue to process as normal. However, after 1st February 2014, all new standing orders must be set up using BIC and IBAN details instead of NSC and Account Numbers.

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