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SEPA Cards Framework (SCF)

  • What is the SEPA Cards Framework (SCF)?

    The SEPA Cards Framework (SCF) allows card payments and cash withdrawals to be made as easily, safely and efficiently throughout the SEPA zone as at home. This will mean more flexible payment options for people living and travelling throughout the SEPA zone.

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  • What are the features of the SEPA Cards Framework (SCF) Scheme?

    Available for card payments in euro and throughout the SEPA zone only

    • SEPA changes relate to both credit and debit cards
    • Card holders can pay or withdraw cash with the same card at home and throughout the SEPA zone
    • Standardised, improved security PIN code throughout the zone, reducing the risk of fraud
    • Standardisation of point-of-sale terminals to ensure all SEPA cards can be accepted at a single terminal

    Bank of Ireland’s credit and debit cards are all SEPA-compliant. Credit cards are compliant through Visa and MasterCard, while debit cards are compliant with Visa Debit.

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