Mortgage Support

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Existing Customer

  • Is there a charge to avail of an equity release?

    There is no charge for equity release. When you release equity in your home we will pay you 2% of the funds you release back in cash. This cashback offer is available to all Bank of Ireland Mortgage Bank u.c. customers who draw down between 5 September 2016 and 31 December 2025. Not applicable with any other offer. Lending criteria and terms and conditions apply and security and insurance are required. There are legal costs associated with equity release- ask us for more information on this.

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  • How do I find out if I will need to pay a breakout fee if I move from my fixed rate mortgage?

    Call us on 01 6113333 and we can provide this information for you.

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  • What do I do if I'm concerned about meeting my mortgage repayments?

    If you have any concerns about meeting your mortgage repayments at any stage, you can call into any Bank of Ireland branch or, if you prefer, phone our Arrears Support Unit on 07662 44444. We have a number of options that may help. First you will be asked to complete an SFS (Standard Financial Statement) so that we can assess your situation fully which will help us to identify a potential solution.

    For more information have a look at Help with your mortgage repayments.

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  • How do I find out the reinstatement value of my property?

    The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland has a useful calculator that will give an indication of your reinstatement cost. Alternatively you can have a valuation varied out by a professional valuer.

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  • How can I change my surname on my account?
    • Send a copy of your passport or marriage certificate, with a signed letter to confirm the name change, to:

    Mortgage Accounts Administration,

    Bank of Ireland Mortgages,

    PO Box 13298,

    Dublin 18,

    • Your letter will need to quote your mortgage account number.

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  • How can I change the address on my account?
    • A change of address on your mortgage account needs to be submitted in writing - send your change of address details, quoting your mortgage account number, to:

    Mortgage Accounts Administration,

    Bank of Ireland Mortgages,

    PO Box 13298,

    Dublin 18

    • Or you can fax the details to 016113120.
    • If you have a joint mortgage, all joint borrowers must sign the request to change our records.

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  • What do I need to do with regard to my mortgage if I change my insurer?

    You can switch your life or home insurance provider at any time and if you do so, you will need to send a copy of your new home insurance or original life policy to us at the following address (please include a note of your mortgage account number). The Bank’s interest will need to be noted on your new home insurance policy.

    Mortgage Accounts Administration

    Bank of Ireland Mortgages

    PO Box 13298

    Dublin 18

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  • Can I make an overpayment to my fixed-rate mortgage without paying a penalty?

    Yes. The maximum overpayment you can make on a fixed rate mortgage is 10% of your normal monthly repayment amount or €65, whichever is greater.

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  • Can I make a lump sum payment to my mortgage via 365 online?

    Yes you can. You will need your mortgage account number which you will find on your mortgage statement. Alternatively you can call us on 01 6113333 and we can provide it to you.

    Step 1: Add your mortgage account to your list of online Bill payees

    1. On the 365 online home page click ‘Add payee’ (alternatively you can go through the ‘Money Transfer’ option)

    2. Under ‘Type of Payee’ select ‘Bill’

    3. Choose your preferred Security Code delivery option and click ‘Continue’

    4. Under ‘Bill name’ select ‘BOI Mortgage’, input the required information and click ‘Continue’

    5. Enter the requested digits from your 365 PIN and click ‘Add a Bill’, and your security code will be sent to you directly.

    6. When you receive your security code, select ‘Manage Accounts’ and your new mortgage account, the click ‘Activate Payee’ and enter your security code. Your Mortgage account is now activated and will be listed under your registered bills. Step 2: Pay an amount into your mortgage account

    7. Select ‘Quick transfer’ on your 365 homepage (or choose Money Transfer and ‘Pay a Bill’)

    8. Select the account you wish to make the payment from, your Mortgage account (Bill) you wish to pay into, and input the payment amount

    9. You can choose to pay immediately or schedule a future payment

    10. Once you enter the requested digits from your PIN your payment will be processed.

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  • How can I apply for a top-up or equity release?

    You can call us on 0818 200 339 or speak with a mortgage advisor in your Bank of Ireland branch.

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  • Can I make overpayments to my mortgage?
    • Yes, at Bank of Ireland, we offer the flexibility to overpay your mortgage which means you could clear your mortgage quicker. Even a small overpayment amount can make a significant difference to your mortgage. Try our overpayment calculator to see what savings you could make.
    • There are 2 ways that you can make overpayments to your mortgage - a Regular Overpayment and a Lump Sum Payment.
    • For more information on overpayments, to set up a regular overpayment or make a lump sum payment to your mortgage please contact us on 0818 210 628.

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  • For what reasons can I take out an equity release mortgage on my home?

    Releasing equity in your home can be an affordable way to cover significant expenses such as home improvements, education expenses, medical expenses, etc.

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  • How can I find out what rate am I currently on?

    Please contact your mortgage advisor at your branch or ring our Mortgage Team on 01-6113333.

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  • Can I change my life policy provider?

    Yes you can. We will need the original policy document sent in to:

    Mortgage Accounts Administration

    Bank of Ireland Mortgages

    PO Box 13298

    Dublin 18

    The cover must be up until maturity date and balance of mortgage currently. Contact policy provider and notify Bank of Ireland Mortgages of any changes. A new deed of assignment will need to be filled out. If you have further questions please call Our Mortgage Team on 01 6113333.

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  • I received a home insurance cancellation letter, what is this?

    This letter is prompted when Bank of Ireland receives cancelation notice from your previous insurer. We require a copy of the new Home Insurance schedule with interest of Bank of Ireland Mortgages noted. Post to Mortgage Accounts Administration, Bank of Ireland Mortgages, PO Box 13298, Dublin 18 including your mortgage account number.

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  • Can I set up an overpayment to my mortgage via 365 online?

    Yes. To add a regular Overpayment to your mortgage, simply register your Bank of Ireland Mortgage on your Banking 365 profile and send a request via the secure messaging inbox. Follow these easy steps.

    Step 1: Add your mortgage account to your list of online Bill payees

    1. On the 365 online home page click ‘Add payee’ (alternatively you can go through the ‘Money Transfer’ option)
    2. Under ‘Type of Payee’ select ‘Bill’
    3. Choose your preferred Security Code delivery option and click ‘Continue’
    4. Under ‘Bill name’ select ‘BOI Mortgage’ input the required information and click ‘Continue’
    5. Enter the requested digits from your 365 PIN and click ‘Add a Bill’, and your security code will be sent to you directly.
    6. When you receive your security code, select ‘Manage Accounts’ and your new mortgage account, then click ‘Activate Payee’ and enter your security code. Your Mortgage account is now activated and will be listed under your registered bills.

    Step 2: Request to set up a regular overpayment on your mortgage

    • On the 365 online home page click ‘My Inbox’ in the top right hand corner
    • Click on the submit query tab and then select ‘other 365 online query’
    • Under ‘select account’ choose your registered mortgage account
    • In the ‘Subject’ field, type in the free field box ‘mortgage overpay’.
    • In the ‘Message’ field, type in your request e.g. ‘My mortgage account number is XXXXXXXX. Please increase my mortgage repayments to €XXXX per month’.
    • Click send. Any additional amount you pay over your normal monthly repayments will be paid against your capital balance. This will reduce your total interest charge and may shorten the term of your mortgage.

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  • How can I find out my redemption figure (the full amount needed to pay off my mortgage)?

    Call us on 01 6113333 for a redemption quote.

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  • You sent me a letter to say my home insurance or life assurance has ended or been cancelled – what do I need to do?
    • This letter would have been triggered automatically on receipt of a cancellation notice from your insurer – it is a requirement of your mortgage that you have appropriate life and home insurance cover in place for the duration of your mortgage.
    • If the letter relates to home insurance, please send a copy of your new home insurance schedule, referencing Bank of Ireland’s interest in the policy, to us at the following address (please include a note of your mortgage account number):
    • If the letter relates to your life assurance, please send the original policy document for your new life policy to us at the following address (please include a note of your mortgage account number). The life cover must be up until the date the mortgage ends and be for the full amount you currently owe on your mortgage.

    Mortgage Accounts Administration

    Bank of Ireland Mortgages

    PO Box 13298

    Dublin 18

    If you have any questions on this, please call us on 01 6113333.

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  • How do I get a copy of my loan offer?

    Call us on 01 6113333 and we can provide this for you.

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  • What was TRS (Tax Relief at Source) payable on?

    TRS was a tax relief on mortgage interest paid on qualifying mortgage loans taken out between 1 January 2004 and 31 December 2012. TRS was only available up to 31 December 2020. Where applicable, some TRS recipients will receive a final balancing payment in March 2021.

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  • I want to reduce my level of life cover – how do I do this?

    You will need to contact your life assurance company who will ask the Bank to approve the reduced amount of cover. We will only agree to the reduced amount if it is the same as or more than the full amount you owe on the mortgage and the life assurance will cover the remaining mortgage term.

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  • How do I get an interest certificate?

    Call us on 01 6113333 for an interest certificate.

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  • Can I reduce my buildings sum insured?
    • If the reinstatement value of your property has reduced you may be able to reduce your home insurance (buildings cover) premium. The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland has a useful calculator that will give an indication of your reinstatement cost. If you do reduce your premium, you will need to send a printout of the reinstatement calculation along with a copy of your new home insurance schedule to us at the address below.
    • If you have more than four bedrooms you will need to get a valuation of your property from a Bank approved valuer. Call us on 01 6113333 or talk to your mortgage advisor for more information.

    Mortgage Accounts Administration

    Bank of Ireland Mortgages

    PO Box 13298

    Dublin 18

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  • If I need a copy of a mortgage statement, how far back can I go?

    There is no restriction on how far back statements can go, and there is no charge for a copy of a statement. Call us on 01 6113333.

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  • I have a general query on my existing mortgage with Bank of Ireland – who can I talk to about this?
    • You can raise any query about your existing mortgage account with a mortgage adviser in your bank of Ireland branch, call us on 01 6113333, or alternatively write to us at the following address (make sure to quote your mortgage account number):

    Mortgage Accounts Administration

    Bank of Ireland Mortgages

    PO Box 13298

    Dublin 18

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  • How can I get the balance on my mortgage?

    Call us on 01 6113333 to find out the balance on your mortgage.

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  • I am currently on a variable rate mortgage- how do I move to a fixed rate and what options are available?

    Call us on 01 6113333 or speak with a mortgage specialist at your branch and we will be happy to outline the fixed rate options available to you and how to avail of them. You can view the rates available here.

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  • Am I receiving tax relief at source (TRS)?

    TRS was only available up to 31 December 2020. Where applicable, some TRS recipients will receive a final balancing payment in March 2021. Call us on 01 6113333 or visit for more information.

    (Bank of Ireland does not accept responsibility for information on other websites.)

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  • What is the Maturity date on my Mortgage?

    The Maturity date on your mortgage is the date in which you are due to finish paying for your mortgage. If you wish to find out your maturity date, please contact your mortgage specialist at your branch or call our Mortgage Team on 01 -6113333.

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  • How do I get a balance certificate?

    Call us on 01 6113333 for a balance certificate.

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  • How do I apply for a payment break / omit month?

    Call us on 0818 210 628 or ask at your branch.

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  • Can I view my mortgage account online?

    Yes, if you have a Bank of Ireland mortgage and have a Bank of Ireland current account and are registered with Banking 365.

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