Safeguarding your banking
If you or someone you know is concerned about losing track of their finances and unable to manage their day-to-day banking, we can help set up safeguards on bank accounts. We will always help you the way you want to be helped.
About you and your situation
- Are you a health & social care professional who is concerned about one of our customers and how they are managing their finances?
- Are you a family member concerned about a loved one and how they are managing their finances and want to know what can be done?
- Do you feel that your spending is out of control, or that you are losing track of your incomings and outgoings and need some help?
- Do you feel that you or a family member may be susceptible to harm or detriment and need safeguards on a bank account to protect their finances?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, we can help.
How we can help
It can be a stressful and worrying time, if you or someone you care about is losing their ability to manage their money. We can help by offering to put practical safeguards on their accounts with their consent. For example, by limiting the amount of cash you or they can withdraw.
How to get support
1. Get in touch and let us know whether you are a customer or someone reporting a possible concern about a customer:
- Customers and family members: please call into a local branch or phone our contact centre on 1800 946 146 and select option 1
- If you are concerned about confidentiality and need us to phone you back at a specific time or on a particular number, please just let us know
- Health & social care professionals supporting a customer: please email our specialist team and include account details of the customer and what you feel may be happening. Please do not include any details which could readily identify an alleged abuser in the email.
2. We will contact our Customer Care team and discuss the appropriate safeguards, which could include offering to:
- Put a block on online banking
- Lower the spending limits on your card to reduce the amount you can take out at a cash machine or spend in a shop
- Limit the withdrawals you can do in branch, or cancelling your chequebook
- Remove your ability to automatically apply for new loans or credit online so that any application you make will be declined.
3. We will agree a plan of action then implement the measures we agree:
- We will require the customer to approve the measures by completing a customer instruction form in a branch.
- The measures will stay in place until the customer asks us to remove them (which they can do at any time).
Find out more
Read more about HSE Safeguarding
MABS (Money Advice and Budgeting Service)
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