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Money Smart

Based on your score, it looks like you’re pretty Money Smart, but there’s more to learn.

You’re on the right track but you could improve how you balance your saving and spending and get smarter about the things you can do to build a savings stash quicker.

Remember, the Money Smarts Barometer is just a fun survey to help you get a sense of your financial wellbeing and how Money Smart you are. Any suggested actions are based on answers you provided and should not be seen as financial advice.

An important next step

The Money Smarts Programme, designed especially for students like you, could help improve your overall financial wellbeing and your Money Smarts Barometer score to boot!
With lots of great content and activities focused on key money topics like saving, spending, budgeting, earning, income and more.
If you wish, select and submit your school from the list below and we’ll remind your teacher to register your school for this fun financial literacy programme. Plus, your school could win €25,000 in the Money Smarts Challenge 2023. The programme is delivered virtually by a dedicated Youth Coordinator.

Select your school

Explore the Money Smarts Library

Top tips on how to be a better saver and the freedom that brings. Check out the articles below.