A generous package of tax incentives

Generous tax relief on payments into your pension plan...

Tax relief on your pension contributions

You are entitled to claim generous tax relief on payments into your pension plan. If you are a higher rate taxpayer, for every €1 you save, you can claim back up to 40% in tax relief*.

If you make an overall monthly contribution of €100, this means it will actually only cost you €60 after tax relief. If you pay tax at the standard rate, you can benefit from 20% tax relief.

Tax free growth

Unlike other savings plans, any growth on the investment of your pension contributions is not subject to tax. You pay DIRT of 41% on any interest earned on bank accounts and exit tax of 41% on any gains made on most investments. You pay 0% tax on any growth within your retirement fund.

Up to €200,000 as a tax free retirement lump sum

On reaching retirement, you may be able to take part of your retirement fund tax free, subject to a limit of €200,000**. Even where the retirement lump sum is greater than €200,000, the next €300,000 is only taxed at the standard rate (currently 20%). This very attractive benefit is not available on any other savings plan!

Possibility of a tax free regular income in retirement

You may be able to take a regular income in retirement, without paying income tax. This exemption from income tax is subject to a maximum drawdown of €18,000 a year for a single person or €36,000 for a married couple under current income tax rules.

An Advisor in your Bank of Ireland branch can help you put a plan in place that helps you make the most of the tax advantages available to you. Please note other levies and charges may apply.

Need advice? Call one of our pension experts on 01 5119202 or Get started now