8 changes to make when saving for a mortgage deposit

Saving for a mortgage deposit? Get these useful tips about lifestyle changes & spending which could help you on your way towards saving for a home.

Making cutbacks to save up a house deposit may seem daunting, but it’s not impossible. We’re not saying that you should cut out all life’s little luxuries but even a few changes can help to make a difference.

1. Review your bills

Comparison websites have made it easier to check that you're getting the best deal for your health insurance, car insurance, electricity, gas or broadband.

Grab your latest bills and check to see if you can save money.

2. Skip the gym

The gym price war has seen membership drop to as little as €19.99 a month but many gyms charge significantly more.

Exercise is good, but needn't cost you a fortune.

So consider cancelling the gym: start running, jump on your bike or download free apps and start working out at home.

3. Limit the take-aways

Ordering a Friday night take-away works out significantly dearer than preparing fresh food at home.

You don't need to stop ordering take-aways completely but cutting back could save you more than €600 over a year.

4. Make your lunch

Most office workers spend, on average, €5.50* a day on their lunch. If you go to a specialist sandwich shop you may pay up to €10*.

Fancy sandwiches are great but making your own lunch and bringing it in to work could see you save up to €870* a year. (*Source: Bord Bia).

5. Write a shopping list before you shop

Work out a menu before you shop and write down a weekly shopping list.

Every household in Ireland throws away 1 ton of uneaten food every year.

Cut down on waste and curb any impulse buys that push up your weekly shopping bill.

6. Cut back on expensive holidays

Everybody needs a holiday now and then.

But you can cut down on the cost by going off-peak, self-catering or booking a shorter trip.

Alternatively, combine a holiday with a trip that you have to make anyway, for example, attending a friend's wedding abroad.

7. Support the local library

Books aren't super expensive, but if you're a big reader then the cost of books or subscriptions to audiobook sites can add up.

Think about joining your local library and borrow books and audiobooks for free while supporting a vital community resource.

8. Curb the coffee?

For some people, the take-away coffee is one of their little treats each day but the cost of espressos, lattes and cappuccinos adds up.

Think about cutting back to save some money even if you don't cut out caffeine altogether.

Bank of Ireland Mortgage Bank u.c. trading as Bank of Ireland Mortgages is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.