Vulnerable Customer Account
If a family member, or someone you care for, has lost the ability to make decisions, we can provide you with a solution so you can support the customer to do their day-to-day banking.
About you and your situation
- Are you trying to support a Bank of Ireland customer who lacks decision-making capacity, but you don’t have an Enduring Power of Attorney and are wondering how to help with their banking?
- Has a member of your family or someone you care for recently lost decision-making capacity and you need to take over their accounts?
- Are you a health & social care professional who is supporting a person who has lost decision-making capacity and you need advice on what Bank of Ireland can offer?
- Has a member of your family or someone you support recently moved into a nursing home and you need assistance to set-up a standing order to the nursing home?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, we can help.
How we can help
We can support carers to help manage the banking of people who have lost the ability to make decisions by providing authorisation to operate a Vulnerable Customer Account and by issuing a Carer Card.
How to get support
1. Get in touch and let us know about the person you care for:
- If you have an Enduring Power of Attorney (1996), ADMA 2015 agreement or Ward of Court, make sure it is registered with us
- To set up a Vulnerable Customer Account and get a Carer Card, you will need a letter addressed to us from a medical professional stating that the person you care for has lost decision-making capacity.
- The letter should not contain health information as we do not need this.
- Once you have all the necessary documents then please call into a branch.
2. When you have the letter, get in touch with your local branch to set-up an appointment:
- Please remember to bring the letter from the medical professional when you come to the branch, along with your own photo ID and proof of address
- Only one person or carer will be authorised to operate the account
- The person or carer can decide whether they want to have a Carer Card on the account
- Vulnerable Customer Accounts do not have access to online banking or come with cheque books and special limits are set on a Carer Card.
3. Our branch colleagues will send your documents to our Customer Care team:
- Our Customer Care team will check all the paperwork and update our systems with the new details
- If a card is required, they will order it. Cards will be in the name of the customer along with the word ‘CARER’ and the initials of the Carer (for example, TK)
- Card use is for the customer’s care and comfort only
- Any requests for exceptional spending on the account will be reviewed by the Customer Care team.
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